Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Snow...Lots of!

Ok, so we finally get something that resembles winter and it is now March.... Hmm, Seems completely illogical to me

There is lots of snow here, it's been snowing for the most part of 2 days. The trees around my house look very pretty and I'm trying to get out for a walk to take some photos. Trying, I say. What actually happens is, I notice it's stopped snowing, spend ages lacing up my boots to go out, look out window, bloody blizzard has started up again - Grrrr! Anyway, if you get some snow pics on my Blog later, you'll know my efforts have finally been successful!

One annoying thing about the snow is it means my younger sister, Rebecca is off school, which means she's hanging about the house annoying me instead. I shall have to find a use for her....

Also hope this weather doesn't get any worse for Friday as supposed to be going down to Glasgow

*Update - as you can see from the pictures below, I did finally get out with my camera!


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