Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Nothing much interesting to report. Except for a delay in taking my driving test due to the DSA creating more petty beurocracy (or however the sodding hell you spell it!). They will no longer accept paper provisional licenses as ID prior to taking the test, you either need a photographic license or you need to show a passport with your paper license. Guess what, I don't have a passport. Furthermore in order to get either a passport or a photocard driving license, I'll need to legally change my name first (I was born with a different surname but because I was brought up with a step-dad I use his surname - so I need a piece of paper saying I've legally changed my surname before anyone will accept my birth certificate a sufficient proof that I'm me!). Anyway, I've started the ball rolling for that, so I'm getting it sorted, but waht a pain in the ass!

Anyway, I was in a bad mood yesterday so went shopping to cheer myself up. Got some new clothes, including a black waistcoat (waistcoats are quite fasionable at the moment so I'm not being THAT weird!). Wore this to work today with a white shirt and black trousers, actually looks quite good, although while wearing this I kept having a strange urge to pick up a snooker cue.... Funny that....


Blogger Catpee said...

Bah!! How annoying! I've had a photographic provisional licence for 8 years since I turned 17, but provisional licences have always been photographic here. It's silly that they have just changed the regulations. Fair enough for new applicants, but you've applied for and sat the test before with the paper licence so you're like an existing customer.

Bureaucracy..........I had to look it up after various failed attempts to spell it. I was sure I could spell it!! I'm worried about my failing intellectual abilities!

November 14, 2005 8:10 pm  

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