Friday, December 16, 2005

Farewell to my beloved dog, Rory

Tragically, Rory got out on to the main road outside my house this morning and was hit by a car. The bastard who hit him didn't even bother to stop! Mercifully, he was killed outright and didn't suffer but words cannot express the feelings of shock, loss and grief that I have at the moment. I am totally gutted


Blogger Catpee said...

I'm in shock at this mate. Rory was a fantastic dog. I remember what it was like when my cat Serena was killed by a car. Such a feeling of empty surrealness. I can't imagine your house without Rory. Am really sorry to hear he's gone. I'm posting a pic of him on my blog.

December 16, 2005 5:42 pm  
Blogger Catpee said...

Looks like you've got some spam there.

January 03, 2006 9:47 pm  

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