Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Mrs McLauchlan saga continues....

We had yet another idiotic call last night from somebody looking for Mrs McLauchlan.
This time I told the woman that she had her head stuck up an elephant's backside (as I promised in my previous post on this subject) and hung up the phone. I was about to do 1471 to see if there was a number, when the phone rang again so I answered it and it was the same woman asking for Mrs McLauchlan AGAIN. I couldn't think of another strange situation for Mrs McLauchlan to be in on the spur of the moment so I just said that she didn't live here. The woman then asked if I was the same person that she'd spoken to before. When I said that I was, she started having a go at me for saying previously that Mrs McLauchlan had her head up an elephant's backside! I was so completely flabbergastered that she would be telling me off for how I answer MY phone in MY flat, that I really didn't know what to say. Emma was in the room as well and she told me to ask to speak to her superviser, which I did. The crabbit auld witch replied that she was the superviser, so I then asked what company she was phoning from. She said that she wasn't obliged to tell me because I am not Mrs McLauchlan (why the bloody hell did she phone me in the first place then!?). To top it all, as well as giving me a lecture on my so-called rudeness, she then decided to equate my 'rudeness' with my being English (she had a Northern Ireland accent). Her exact words were 'I can tell by your accent that you are English, maybe you answer the phone like that in England but we don't answer phones like that here in Northern Ireland' (!). Of all the bigoted things to say. I pointed out that I'm actually Scottish, not English (not that that has anything to do with it but I felt so wrong footed that I had no witty comeback). I was quickly getting fed up with this, so summoned up my call handling skills ( such as they are) and attempted to bring an end to the conversation by saying that as Mrs Mclauchlan didn't live here, could she please take the number off her database and not call us again (in other words, fuck off and leave me alone so I can go back to drinking my wine in peace). She said that she would do this, and she was sorry for bothering me. To which I couldn't resist repling that I was sorry that she doesn't have sense of humour. Big mistake, as this set her off on another tirade about my rudeness, and she also heard Emma's background comment on how she must be really bored at work and started ranting on about that too! I thought she was never going to go away but thankfully I got rid of her eventually.

For goodness sake, what an uptight bitch, it's not even as if I swore at her or anything. How DARE she phone me up when I am trying relax on a saturday evening and start telling me off for how I answer MY phone. GRRRRR! To use a local term, I am absolutely raging!
We are going to call NTL to see if there is anything we can do about it as this is getting beyond the joke.


Blogger George said...

You need these people

November 07, 2006 4:38 pm  
Blogger Catpee said...

I've registered with them now. Not sure if it will stop the calls though because I've registered our phone number and this address but the call centre people have our phone number registered at a different address on their databases.

November 08, 2006 11:11 pm  
Blogger BiScUiTs said...

That's awful! What a nerve! Pffft.

November 11, 2006 5:53 pm  
Blogger Bazza said...

not nice for you, but a very amusing story.

November 29, 2006 3:21 pm  

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