Friday, October 21, 2005

Bored, Especially of American Sitcoms!!

I've discovered the worst thing about having Digital.... The ABC 1 channel (I'm sure in this case that ABC stands for American Bloody Crap). American sitcoms all day....blatant brash humour.... canned laughter every 2 seconds....worst of all Bloody Americans! *shudder* They are so vulgar and arrogant
The reason I'm ranting on about this just now is that my 13 year old sister is avidly watching the above channel....
Maybe I should just confiscate the remote and beat some sense into her with it....

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Pub Quiz

Was just in Aberdeen for a couple of days and took part in a pub quiz, (our team were rubbish by the way but we did win some Monster Trucks - HUZZAH!!)
Anyway, this got me thinking about funny team names. Our team were called 'The Pheasant Has No Agenda' (a reference to Bill Bailey, my idea!)

Other ideas include:
Please Don't Kill Me Mister Giant Pink Mushroom!
Well..If We Built This Large Wooden Badger...

Can't think of any more just now, any ideas? Answers on a postcard to...oh sod it, just leave a comment!

I Love My Job (cue ironic laughter)...

Yes.... another fun packed 5 hours of listening to drivel from customers. I feel a peculiar urge to inflict infinate doom upon the company I work for. In fact, I don't mean doom, I mean DOOM!(funny that..)
And yes... Kill anybody who owns one of those horrendous blackberry devices, ESPECIALLY if they are attempting to link it up to a laptop. GET A LIFE!!!
RANT RANT RANT, RAVE RAVE RAVE, and so on and so forth......

(Note to self, must get more instruction in inflicting doom as my latest attempts don't appear to have been successful)