Friday, February 24, 2006

More Weirdness.....

Certainly been having some very odd dreams lately. Maybe this is because my brain isn't really being challenged in any way.

For instance, last night I had a dream that I was feeding bananas to a shark (!?) (what was even more worrying was the shark seemed to be really enjoying them)

Hmmm, I am seriously worried about myself....

Thursday, February 23, 2006

This is a pic of the litter of puppies we're getting our next dog from. we're going to have one of the black ones. They are sooo cute!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I'm Free!

Had my dreaded meeting earlier today and as I thought, they could see no other option but to sack me. This would probably be due to my inability to be able to convice them that a) I would be able to sort out my issues and improve my performance and b) that I actually enjoyed working there and wanted the job. It's a fair cop because the answer to both those questions would be a resounding 'No'. I'd be one of the first people to admit that I am not cut out for customer service!
It's a bit of a bummer being out of work but at least I'll still get a full month's pay at the end of the month so I'll have some money to tide me over for a bit until I can find something else.
Apart from that, the sense of relief when I walked out of that door and thought that I'll never have to set foot in that Orwellian hell hole again was immense!


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Bored and Fed Up *sigh*

Hmph. Back home from spending the week with Adam and wish I was back down there again. Have spent most of the day mooching about not quite sure what to do with myself. Seem to be feeling a bit at loss.
It certainly was a lovely week, seemed to spend most of the time lounging around watching DVDs (mainly Red Dwarf and Black Books) and doing lots of other things that I'm certainly not willing to disclose here.... hmmm

Should have been back at work today but due to being suspended (see previous posting) I am not allowed back until they decide my fate on Wednesday when I have a disciplinary hearing. I am really not looking forward to that - being hauled over the coals by a bunch of petty minded idiots is not my idea of fun and I can well do without it

Friday, February 03, 2006

In the Shit at work - Ooops

Uh oh, I am totally in the shit at work now - apparently the client was monitoring some calls and they got one that I had released when I shouldn't have done. (General reason for this: customer being an arse and can no longer be bothered with them - oops, my hand slipped). So next thing I know, I get dragged into an office in front of 2 team managers and interrogated as to why I would do such a thing - Erm...
Anyway have been suspended on full pay and not allowed in to work until I have a disciplinary hearing, I am on holiday for the next 10 days anyway so that doesn't make a lot of difference to me. So the will probably decide my ultimate fate on or around the 13th feb. Worst thing they can do I sack me. Hang on, did I say worst thing??? I can't stand the job anyway and I'd be only too glad to see the back of the place. If they don't sack me I'll probably hand in my notice anyway. I'm not cut out to be a customer adviser, I don't have the patience, I hate people and I don't suffer fools gladly

Anyway, gonna forget about that godforsaken place for now 'cos I'm supposed to be on holiday
Get to see Adam tomorrow - Yay!!!

Thursday, February 02, 2006


I sometimes worry about my sanity

I woke myself up in the early hours of this morning by singing about welly-boots in my sleep (!), don't ask me why, I don't know! All I know is that I was dreaming about having one welly-boot and I couldn't find the other one so I started singing about it and then I woke up. I don't even wear wellies for goodness sake, I hate them.

Not sure of the point of this posting, just thought I share that with you

Note to Adam: Don't worry, This is not my usual behaviour to sing about random items of footwear in my sleep!