Sunday, January 29, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Why is it that my hair always decides to behave itself when I'm about to get it cut?
I'm having a really good hair day today but I'm going to get it cut tomorrow - bah!
Maybe that's it's way of saying 'I'm sorry, I'll behave now, please don't get me cut!' Hmmm, always suspected my hair has a mind of its own. It's ploy won't work however, it's well overdue a trim.
Weekend was ok, well, the meal was really nice but as I suspected the Ballet was vey dull and the theatre we were in was unbearably hot, thought I was going to melt! At least I managed to do a bit of shopping while I was in Aberdeen and finally got round to getting a memory card for my digital camera.
10 days 'til I get to go down to Glasgow and see Adam- Hozzah! Actually 10 days seems too far away at the moment *sigh*
Friday, January 20, 2006
I'm bored. Snooker on TV, nothing to read. Bah!
Oh well, at least I'm not working this weekend, although I do have to waste tomorrow night getting dragged to see a Ballet, people poncing about in tutus or very tight trousers -Bleeeurgh! really not my idea of fun at all! But I have to go as we're taking Mum to see it as a treat for her birthday. A friend at work suggested sneaking my MP3 player in with me, I am quite tempted by this suggestion. I can see myself spending the whole show trying not to laugh at the ridiculous people on stage....
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Feeling in a slightly better mood today but still in a bit of an irritable frame of mind. Not sure why so it's probably hormonal!
Was a total pain in the arse cycling home from work today (not literally, although my bike seat isn't really that comfortable my bum is more than used to it by now!), the wind was going in the wrong direction again so I had to cycle against it most of the way home. Really frustrating in a psychological sense as it feels like there is an invisible force field stopping me from getting away from work as fast as I can! AAAAARGH!
Anyway, really knackered and I've still got dogs to walk. Bah!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Stressful and frustrating day at work. Most of the computers went down apart from a few. Unfortunately, one of the ones that stayed working was mine! This meant that while most people in the call centre got to sit about doing nothing and chatting, muggins here was made to continue taking calls all day. Felt like being really childish and standing up and yelling NOT FAIR!! Just as well I only work part time otherwise I would have stormed out in a fit of rage!
Anyway, I'm ranting so I'll shut up now
Monday, January 09, 2006
Thought I'd better update my Blog, despite not really having much exciting to say! Haven't posted since just before Christmas... Hmm
Christmas was quite fun, despite not having much time off work. Adam was up from Glasgow so got to spend quite a lot of time with him :-) *big smile* That was by far the highlight of Chistmas for me. Sadly, he went back down south before New year and I'm not likely to see him til next month. Bah! Will be worth it when I do see him tho.
This weekend was quite good, parents were away for the weekend so I had peace and quiet. Spent a lot of time drinking cider and chatting online and also watching Red Dwarf DVDs (Red Dwarf is utterly hilarious). I then spent yesterday afternoon fixing my bike (well, more accurately, I stood around drinking cups of tea watching a mate of mine from work fixing my bike!) so at least my brakes are working a lot better so I don't have any excuse for cycling into trees anymore!
Anyway, hoping to come up with something random and funny to post, maybe another realm story, but I'm yet to be inspired